D.F.R.: The Light

Support Site for D.F.R.: The Light

Welcome to the D.F.R.: The Light Support Site!

Please read below for the most common FAQ:

How do I play?

The point of the game is to find and blow out all five candles in order within the time limit, then exit the same way you entered through the gate at the beginning of the game. At the start, you will be presented with five symbol tablets in random order. It is crucial to remember the order of the symbols. Once the game begins, a map will appear in the lower left-hand side with the symbols corresponding with the location of the candles. You must go to each location and search for the candles in order. If you blow the candles out of order, you’ll be punished with a temporary in-game hinderance that will make finishing the game difficult.

The ghost keeps killing me! Is it cheating?

No, the game is meant to be very challenging. If you find yourself dying a lot, and you will, then try switching up your strategy. Remember, the ghost is always hunting you. This means it’s listening and looking at all times. It’s best to avoid it at all costs, especially when moving around. If you hear it, it can hear you — especially if you run! Crouching near the ghost gives you two advantages: 1) You are less visible, and 2) you’re much quieter. Of course, you are also much slower. It’s best to vary your speeds depending on your proximity to it. It’s also important to note that the ghost becomes increasingly more aggressive as time passes and the candles left become fewer.

How do I beat the game?

Blow out all five candles and exit the way you entered. This is no easy feat, however.

Why is the game so hard?

D.F.R.: The Light is not a casual game. It is meant to be scary, especially the first few times playing while learning the game mechanics. However, over time you’ll find the gameplay to be rewarding, yet intense, as you discover strategies to get further in the game.

How does the map work?

The map displays symbols corresponding with the candles’ general location. To head in a symbol’s direction, using your mouse keep rotating your character until the symbol is at the top center of the map (think “North” on a typical map), then move your character forward [W key] to head in that direction. Once you reach the general area for that symbol, the smaller symbol will disappear from the map and be replaced with a larger one indicating the area to search to locate the candle.

The candles aren’t in the same place they were in the last game. Is this a glitch?

No. Candles randomly change positions between games to give gameplay variance.

Why can I not find the candles?

Because the location of the candles change per game, sometimes they can be difficult to find. Try searching inside structures, behind things like buildings or containers, etc. And if you turn off your flashlight, you might just catch a glimpse of their flicker in the darkness.

Where did you get all the models and other assets?

To see all the wonderful and talented people or companies that contributed to the creation of this game, please select “Credits” from the main menu. Games like this wouldn’t be possible without the efforts of people and companies like them. Respect!

What are the controls?

In the menu screen, you can select “Controls” from the menu and view the control arrangement there. But, briefly, the controls are standard for most first-person games: W-A-S-D to move, mouse to look, E for action, SHIFT to run, etc. However, there’s no jump in this game, so use the SPACE (or SHIFT) to crouch.

What was used to build the game?

This is my very first game made in Unity.

What is Nothing Rhymes With Entertainment?

NRWE is an entertainment company based in Los Angeles, CA, USA. You can see one of their current projects if you visit http://theworldovermovie.com/ — And, yes, we know there are words that rhyme with entertainment.

What does D.F.R. stand for?

What doesn’t it stand for?


Having additional trouble with the game? Want to tell us about a bug? Contact information coming soon! In the meantime, you can hit up the developer on twitter @heathcmichaels.